1,227 research outputs found

    The sensitivity of oceanic precipitation to sea surface temperature

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    Our study forms the oceanic counterpart to numerous observational studies over land concerning the sensitivity of extreme precipitation to a change in air temperature. We explore the sensitivity of oceanic precipitation to changing sea surface temperature (SST) by exploiting two novel datasets at high resolution. First, we use the Ocean Rainfall And Ice-phase precipitation measurement Network (OceanRAIN) as an observational along-track shipboard dataset at 1 min resolution. Second, we exploit the most recent European Reanalysis version 5 (ERA5) at hourly resolution on a 31 km grid. Matched with each other, ERA5 vertical velocity allows the constraint of the OceanRAIN precipitation. Despite the inhomogeneous sampling along ship tracks, OceanRAIN agrees with ERA5 on the average latitudinal distribution of precipitation with fairly good seasonal sampling. However, the 99th percentile of OceanRAIN precipitation follows a super Clausius–Clapeyron scaling with a SST that exceeds 8.5 % K−1 while ERA5 precipitation scales with 4.5 % K−1. The sensitivity decreases towards lower precipitation percentiles, while OceanRAIN keeps an almost constant offset to ERA5 due to higher spatial resolution and temporal sampling. Unlike over land, we find no evidence for a decreasing precipitation event duration with increasing SST. ERA5 precipitation reaches a local minimum at about 26 ∘C that vanishes when constraining vertical velocity to strongly rising motion and excluding areas of weak correlation between precipitation and vertical velocity. This indicates that instead of moisture limitations as over land, circulation dynamics rather limit precipitation formation over the ocean. For the strongest rising motion, precipitation scaling converges to a constant value at all precipitation percentiles. Overall, high resolutions in observations and climate models are key to understanding and predicting the sensitivity of oceanic precipitation extremes to a change in SST

    Improvements of cloud particle sizing with a 2D-Grey probe

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    The potential of the 2D-Grey optical array probe (OAP) (with 10-μm resolution) to determine cloud microphysical properties is studied. Systematic test measurements with a spinning glass disk with sample spots of various sizes between 50 and 500 μm in diameter were conducted. These measurements show that the particle image diameter increases considerably if the particle crosses the illuminating laser beam at increasing distance from the object plane. Eventually, shadow images of the smaller spots lose even their circular image shape and appear fragmented. A method is proposed to improve the estimation of the nominal particle size of droplets from the recorded image by exploiting the four available shadow (grey) levels. Laboratory tests show that spherical particles from 50 to 500 μm in diameter can be properly sized with an rms uncertainty of less than 6. After discussion of the concept of depth of field in OAPs, a definition for the 2D-Grey probe is presented that is consistent with the standard definition for the 2D-C probe. The authors' measurements show the depth of field of the 2D-Grey probe to be three times larger than the value conventionally assumed for the 2D-C probe for which similar corrections have been recently discussed in the literature. Finally, the impact of these findings on particle size distribution for in situ measurements is discussed

    Zum 100. Geburtstag von Hans Hinzpeter

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    Interferometric measurements of sea surface temperature and emissivity

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    An assessment of radiation budget data provided by ISCCP and GEWEX-SRB

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    The projects ISCCP and GEWEX-SRB compute global data sets of radiation budget components at the top of the atmosphere and at the surface. Time series range from July 1983 to June 2001, and to October 1995, respectively. Comparing monthly averages over broader zones we find that the SRB underestimates the incident radiation at TOA by more than 2–5 Wm−2 over the tropics and up to 40 Wm−2 over polar regions. The ISCCP infrared radiation fluxes near the surface and at TOA, in particular over both polar zones, are higher than those of the SRB. Clouds in the ISCCP appear optically less effective than in the SRB. Interannual and month-to-month variations are observed indicating serious errors in ancillary data. Complete reprocessing is recommended. End products need validation within this large domain in space and time with correlated radiation budget measurements at TOA and at ground

    Missing North Atlantic cyclonic precipitation in ECMWF numerical weather prediction and ERA-40 data detected through the satellite climatology HOAPS II

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    Intense precipitation associated with wintertime North Atlantic cyclones occurs not only in connection with frontal zones but also, and often mainly, embedded in strong cold air outbreaks to the west of mature cold fronts. Coherent structures of cloud clusters organized in mesoscale postfrontal low-pressure systems are frequently found in satellite data. Such postfrontal lows (PFL) can develop into severe weather events within few hours and can even reach Europe causing intense convective rainfall and gale force winds. Despite predicting the major storm systems numerical weather prediction (NWP) additionally needs to account for PFLs due to their frequent occurrence connected with high impact weather. But while the major cyclone systems are mostly well predicted, the forecast of PFLs remains poor. Using North Atlantic weather observations from the 1997 Fronts and Atlantic Storm Track Experiment (FASTEX) along with the standard voluntary observing ship (VOS) data led to a high quality validation data set for this usually data sparse region. For individual case studies of FASTEX cyclones with mesoscale PFLs investigations were carried out using the well calibrated precipitation estimates from HOAPS (Hamburg Ocean Atmosphere Parameters and fluxes from satellite data) compared to the NWP model output of the ECMWF (European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts). Preceding studies showed that the HOAPS precipitation structure and intensities are in good agreement with the VOS observations for all observed precipitation types within the cyclones, including PFLs. To assure that the results found in the 1997 data are still valid in the more recent ECMWF model system, a PFL rainfall comparison is carried out using HOAPS and ERA-40 (ECMWF Re-Analysis) data for the winter of 2001 and 2002. The results indicate that the ECMWF model is mostly well reproducing precipitation structures and intensities associated with frontal systems as observed in the VOS and HOAPS data, whereas PFL precipitation is mostly missing. Further investigations within the regions of PFL point out that the VOS observed surface pressure is systematically lower than reproduced in the models. This leads to the conclusion that the missing PFL precipitation in ECMWF may be primarily due to the absence of the corresponding mesoscale low-pressure syste

    The effects of post-deposition annealing conditions on structure and created defects in Zn0.90Co0.10O thin films deposited on Si(100) substrate

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    We analyze the effect of post-deposition annealing conditions on both the structure and the created defects in Zn0.90Co0.10O thin films deposited on the Si (100) substrates by RF magnetron sputtering technique using home-made targets. We concentrated on understanding the homogeneity of substituted Co+2 ions and the annealing effects on the amount of defects in the ZnO lattice. Orientations of thin films are found to be in the [0002] direction with a surface roughness changing from 67±2 nm to 25.8±0.6 nm by annealing. The Co+2 ion substitutions, changing from 7.5±0.3 % to 8.8±0.3 %, cause to form Zn–O–Co bonds instead of Zn–O–Zn and split the Co2p energy level to Co2p1/2 and Co2p3/2 with 15.67±0.06 eV energy difference. In addition, the defects in the lattice were revealed from the correlations between Zn–O–Co bonds and intensity of Raman peak at around 691 cm-1. Furthermore, the asymmetry changes of O1s peak positions in X-ray Photoelectron Spectra (XPS) were also found to be in accordance with the Raman results

    Is the aerosol emission detectable in the thermal infrared

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    The impact of aerosols on the thermal infrared radiation can be assessed by combining observations and radiative transfer calculations. Both have uncertainties, which are discussed in this paper. Observational uncertainties are obtained for two FTIR instruments operated side by side on the ground during the LACE 1998 field campaign. Radiative transfer uncertainties are assessed using a line-by-line model taking into account the uncertainties of the HITRAN 2004 spectroscopic database, uncertainties in the determination of the atmospheric profiles of water vapor and ozone, and differences in the treatment of the water vapor continuum absorption by the CKD 2.4.1 and MT_CKD 1.0 algorithms. The software package OPAC was used to describe the optical properties of aerosols for climate modeling. The corresponding radiative signature is a guideline to the assessment of the uncertainty ranges of observations and models. We found that the detection of aerosols depends strongly on the measurement accuracy of atmospheric profiles of water vapor and ozone and is easier for drier conditions. Within the atmospheric window, only the forcing of downward radiation at the surface by desert aerosol emerges clearly from the uncertainties of modeling and FTIR measurement. Urban and polluted continental aerosols are only partially detectable depending on the wave number and on the atmospheric water vapor amount. Simulations for the space-borne interferometer IASI show that only upward radiation above transported mineral dust aloft emerges out of the uncertainties. The detection of aerosols with weak radiative impact by FTIR instruments like ARIES and OASIS is made difficult by noise as demonstrated by the signal to noise ratio for clean continental aerosols. Altogether, the uncertainties found suggest that it is difficult to detect the optical depths of nonmineral and unpolluted aerosols

    Simulation of ship-track versus satellite-sensor differences in oceanic precipitation using an island-based radar

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    The point-to-area problem strongly complicates the validation of satellite-based precipitation estimates, using surface-based point measurements. We simulate the limited spatial representation of light to moderate oceanic precipitation rates along ship tracks with respect to areal passive microwave satellite estimates using data from a subtropical island-based radar. The radar data serves to estimate the discrepancy between point-like and areal precipitation measurements. From the spatial discrepancy, two statistical adjustments are derived so that along-track precipitation ship data better represents areal precipitation estimates from satellite sensors. The first statistical adjustment uses the average duration of a precipitation event as seen along a ship track and the second adjustment uses the median-normalized along-track precipitation rate. Both statistical adjustments combined reduce the root mean squared error by 0.24 mm h 10 (55%) compared to the unadjusted average track of 60 radar pixels in length corresponding to a typical ship speed of 24–34 km h depending on track orientation. Beyond along-track averaging, the statistical adjustments represent an important step towards a more accurate validation of precipitation derived from passive microwave satellite sensors using point-like along-track surface precipitation reference data

    A comprehensive view of Kara Sea polynya dynamics, sea-ice compactness and export from model and remote sensing data

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    The Shelf Seas of the Arctic are known for their large sea-ice production. This paper presents a comprehensive view of the Kara Sea sea-ice cover from high-resolution numerical modeling and space-borne microwave radiometry. As given by the latter the average polynya area in the Kara Sea takes a value of 21.2 x 10³ km² ± 9.1 x 10³ km² for winters (Jan.–Apr.) 1996/97 to 2000/01, being as high as 32.0 x 10³km² in 1999/2000 and below 12 x 10³ km² in 1998/99. Day-to-day variations of the Kara Sea polynya area can be as high as 50 x 10³ km². For the seasons 1996/ 97 to 2000/01 the modeled cumulative winter ice-volume flux out of the Kara Sea varied between 100 km³a¹ and 350 km³a¹. Modeled high (low) ice export coincides with a high (low) average and cumulative polynya area, and with a low (high) sea-ice compactness in the Kara Sea from remote sensing data, and with a high (low) sea-ice drift speed across its northern boundary derived from independent model data for the winters 1996/97 to 2000/0
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